The Island in a Well: a Reading of Sand and Water




The text works with the parallels between the poem “La isla en peso” by Virgilio Piñera and the story “El pozo” by Augusto Céspedes; These, despite being in opposite geographical contexts, share a similar desperation due to the isolation and oppressive conditions of their environment. While on the island of Piñera the water surrounds like a sentence; At the Céspedes well, soldiers desperately search for water in a desert environment. Both scenarios represent closed spaces that oppress their inhabitants, generating anguish and a sense of loss.


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Author Biography

Rafael Bertón Salinas, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Licenciado en Literatura, especialista en Educación Superior. Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”.


Abellán, I. (2011). “Las metamorfosis en isla: Ovidio y Virgilio Piñera, lucha constante entre el odio y el amor”. Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos (Número 21).

Céspedes, A. (1936). Sangre de mestizos. Santiago: Nascimento.

Piñera, V. (1943), La isla en peso.

Sequeda, Y. (2008): Virgilio Piñera: ¿un “poeta ocasional?: Acercamiento a su poética mediante el análisis estilístico. Cuba: UCLV, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.

La isla en pozo: una lectura de arena y agua



How to Cite

Bertón Salinas, R. (2024). The Island in a Well: a Reading of Sand and Water. Revista Ciencia Y Cultura, 28(53), 257–263.