Women and their authentic greatness





History of women, female contributions to society, journalism, Bolivia


This article presents an interview by Bolivian journalist, activist, and researcher Vania Sandoval Arenas, following the publication of the book titled “Women in Communication. Bolivia”, of which she is one of the editors and author of a chapter in which she writes about the biography and professional career of Ana María Romero de Campero (the first female Ombudsman in Bolivia). From a gender perspective and supported by the reflections of Simone de Beauvoir, the purpose of this text is to make visible the contributions of Vania and Ana María, emblematic Bolivian women who undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the construction of a more just and egalitarian society.

The dissemination of the stories of illustrious women written by women themselves represents an exercise in resistance that will allow new generations not to forget them. And, above all, that the whole world knows their greatness and their wonderful lives. Likewise, spreading their legacy allows us to recognize and value the immense contribution of women in the contemporary world; especially disputing ideas and knowledge from a female perspective. Writing about women’s experiences allows us to dispute the imaginaries and hegemonic representations that have historically placed women in a submissive or subordinate place and identify ourselves in pioneering and leading female referents.


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Author Biography

Rocio Maldonado Alarcón, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Egresada del doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Xochimilco en el área de concentración “Mujer y relaciones de género”, Magister en población y desarrollo por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias sociales (FLACSO México). Licenciada en Trabajo social y Bachiller en Ciencias sociales por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


De Beauvoir, S. [1949] (2005) El segundo sexo. Madrid, España: Cátedra.

Lau, A. (1998) La historia de las mujeres: una historia social o una historia de género. En G. Von Wobeser (edit.), Cincuenta años de investigación histórica en México. Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (pp.159-169). http://www.historicas.unam.mx/publicaciones/publicadigital/libros/cincuenta/343.html

Lerner, G. (1986) The Creation of Patriarchy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sandoval, V. y Portugal, R. (edits.) (2022) Mujeres de la comunicación. Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia: Programa de medios y comunicación de la Friedrich Ebert Stiftung para América Latina y El Caribe.

Las mujeres y su auténtica grandeza



How to Cite

Maldonado Alarcón, R. (2023). Women and their authentic greatness. Revista Ciencia Y Cultura, 27(51), 178–190. https://doi.org/10.35319/rcyc.2023511212